Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry Services.
Dental Implants.
Dental Implants are a permanent tooth replacement cosmetic dental solution that gives you the function, feel and look of natural teeth. Dental implants are long lasting, extremely durable and color-matched to your existing teeth for a completely natural appearance.
Smile Makeover.
Smiling Faces Dental of Parlin NJ specializes in recognizing the unique aesthetics of your smile. Our smile makeovers are designed to reflect everything that is beautiful about you - so your smile not only flashes a welcome to others - it also projects your inner confidence.
Dental Veneers.
Discolored, chipped or cracked teeth can benefit from a veneer. A thin layer of the tooth surface is shaved off. A veneer is made to fit perfectly, protecting the tooth underneath.
Teeth Brightening.
Teeth whitening is the one cosmetic dental treatment that can dramatically beautify the smile of nearly every patient and produce those results over your lunch hour!
Dental Bonding.
There can be times in everyone’s life where the smile seen in the mirror is perceived as less than perfect. No matter what mars that smile: a chipped tooth, unattractive ˜silver” filling or cavity - the blemish may ultimately affect a person’s confidence causing them to shy away from social interactions or public speaking.
Dental Braces.
If you have been putting off addressing your misaligned teeth due to concerns over the discomfort and unsightly appearance of traditional braces, dentist at The Smiling Faces Dental can quickly erase those concerns with a free consultation consult.
Gum Contouring.
The cosmetic dentistry technique of gum contouring may be an option recommended by your dentist at Smiling Faces Dental. This expertly performed process allows your cosmetic dentist to create a gum line that will produce a beautifully uniform and balanced appearance to your smile.
Bad Breath Therapy.
Bad breath is often considered to be only a social problem and not as a symptom of tooth decay or gum disease. Everyone has had a bout with temporary bad breath at some time from eating foods such as garlic or onion, smoking, irregular brushing habits. These bad breath events are easily overcome by brushing and flossing regularly. Other bad breath causes are more serious and require the assistance of your dentist or doctor.